World Wide Web

There are many fields of in which they are possible to be found examples of computer science applications. In the education. The paper of the computer has to define itself within the present methodology of education. The computer cannot nor must replace the teacher in the performance of the educational function. In the use of the new technologies, the teacher assumes the responsibility to put at the disposal of the student the advantages that these can provide to him within the training program.

The computer programs of didactic application, excepting the programming languages, and also excluding the properly computer science applications like the text processors, the data bases, the spreadsheets, etc., are designated generally like educative programs. In Comercio. Computer science is something more than computers, welcome to the Technology. Connected portable equipment via Wifi, or through moving body, the mobile draft board, control of the business with cameras Web. Sinfn of utilities that agrees to know, so that they adapt specifically to each business, and in many cases to reasonable prices.

The technological advances obtained by the humanity in the matter of Telematics and telecommunications totally revolutionized and changed the conception of the commerce tangible and materialized through support of paper assured by seals and companies, arising a new conception from the graphical and written expression through the nontangible means use. We were before a latest process of dematerialization, in the sense to replace the traditional support of paper, not to do without the material more that some usually confuse, because we know that the electronic or digital world is not one totally intangible one. Computer science has generated without I number of contributions to Economic sciences and within them to the area of the finances. In science. The use of computer science as tool of aid to the medicine is a reality in height. From old times many of the human activities have been based on the repetition, sometimes very onerous, of acts or calculations and in the same way that was invented basic mathematical operations to simplify them, arose the necessity to improve the limited benefits that the mind of the man offers to calculate, as diverse sciences became more complex. The activities in which the computer can collaborate with the sanitary personnel, are many and could be grouped in technical tasks, of formation, administrative and of management. Its use in the majority of modern medical instruments facilitates the data analysis, waves, images etc. allows to use of simple and efficient form complex techniques, as they are the monitoring, electrocardiographic analysis, TAC, magnetic resonance. In the last years are added new computer science applications to the medicine, as they are the biomedical electronic publishings, the telemedicine, impelled by the height of Internet and its World Wide Web and the computer science registries of clinical history. Original author and source of the article

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