Archive: February 2020

BlogRoll Notes

In order to be able to obtain it the waterproofing of the device, antireflected processor with a good speed is essential, screens, tactile sensitivity and done applications of iPad to size for the dolphins. When the data base of symbols done for these animal grows we will need a good technology to be able to respond to them quickly and appropriately so that they understand to us. The great enigma will be to know what is first that they will say to us, says perhaps us that they are an intelligence superior and that they do not try to dominate and to enslave to the other animal. Gary Kelly often says this. In any case this sounds to science fiction, but the truth is that iPad is being incredibly useful to people like Jack and also to magicians. All are possible if we counted on the appropriate applications iPad. In our daily life also we found many uses for iPad. Rory Sutherland describes an additional similar source.

Goodreader is a vital application in the device to have access and to visionar all type of documents and archives, turning it into an essential tool for any secretario/a. When you have a meeting you will not have to take the briefcase then will not be necessary the use of no paper, neither document all the essential information or you take in your iPad thanks to this set of applications iPad to him. It is a luxury for example to appear in a meeting, being consulted your documents for your participation in the debate that is carried out and taking all class from notes and notes, without needing ball-point pen nor paper. Gary cohen helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Later you will be able to send post office of your annotations with a simple one to copy and to beat. All he will be more comfortable having to you the applications to iPad adapted to this type of tasks. I recommend the application Daily Notes that is very useful to take notes in any meeting, separated by departments.

He consists of five parts: newspaper, body, bar of tools, eyelashes and calendar. He is very effective to have it everything organized since every day has its notebook, thus never mix when being in favor separated of days and months. One is an application of notes that you can separate creating eyelashes. These are only one few of the uses that can be done with the applications iPad. BlogRoll

World Wide Web

There are many fields of in which they are possible to be found examples of computer science applications. In the education. The paper of the computer has to define itself within the present methodology of education. The computer cannot nor must replace the teacher in the performance of the educational function. In the use of the new technologies, the teacher assumes the responsibility to put at the disposal of the student the advantages that these can provide to him within the training program.

The computer programs of didactic application, excepting the programming languages, and also excluding the properly computer science applications like the text processors, the data bases, the spreadsheets, etc., are designated generally like educative programs. In Comercio. Computer science is something more than computers, welcome to the Technology. Connected portable equipment via Wifi, or through moving body, the mobile draft board, control of the business with cameras Web. Sinfn of utilities that agrees to know, so that they adapt specifically to each business, and in many cases to reasonable prices.

The technological advances obtained by the humanity in the matter of Telematics and telecommunications totally revolutionized and changed the conception of the commerce tangible and materialized through support of paper assured by seals and companies, arising a new conception from the graphical and written expression through the nontangible means use. We were before a latest process of dematerialization, in the sense to replace the traditional support of paper, not to do without the material more that some usually confuse, because we know that the electronic or digital world is not one totally intangible one. Computer science has generated without I number of contributions to Economic sciences and within them to the area of the finances. In science. The use of computer science as tool of aid to the medicine is a reality in height. From old times many of the human activities have been based on the repetition, sometimes very onerous, of acts or calculations and in the same way that was invented basic mathematical operations to simplify them, arose the necessity to improve the limited benefits that the mind of the man offers to calculate, as diverse sciences became more complex. The activities in which the computer can collaborate with the sanitary personnel, are many and could be grouped in technical tasks, of formation, administrative and of management. Its use in the majority of modern medical instruments facilitates the data analysis, waves, images etc. allows to use of simple and efficient form complex techniques, as they are the monitoring, electrocardiographic analysis, TAC, magnetic resonance. In the last years are added new computer science applications to the medicine, as they are the biomedical electronic publishings, the telemedicine, impelled by the height of Internet and its World Wide Web and the computer science registries of clinical history. Original author and source of the article

Usertesting Time

Many pages begin with good intentions, but at the time of shaping in a design effective Web the intention for which they have been created, layouts does not finish reflecting their potential completely. In many cases it is not for want of talent of the designers, nor because it in particular fails some point in the chain of creation of the Web. That is the problem, exactly: There is something is not as well as it would have to be, and nevertheless, we cannot indicate it with justeza. And as to attack a problem of root we first needed to define it and to know its nature, that is what we must do with our site. If the metric ones do not rise, the rates of conversion are not as good as they would have, if bounce rate is too high, there am a series of tools online of very low cost here that will help him to obtain the data that is needing to change that of its page that is not working. Usertesting. One is a site that offers the service to make review its page by real people, who are monitored while they do it. Company gives video with commentaries spoken of users as they cross his Web, and report written, where they stand out what it was to them attractive from the site, which did not like and most important the description of which it would be the factor would take that them to leave the site.

Feng-GUI. It is an ideal tool to analyze landing pages and home pages. Maps allows to realise heat, where they will be reflected the points that attract with more intensity the glance of the users. It allows to redefine the elements that deserve to be outstanding, and to change by more effective designs from the point of view of conversion of call to actions. For corporative users it offers Apis who give the opportunity to include their technology in the creative process.

UserFly. The site offers an instantaneous report of usabilidad Web on the part of real users. Very appropriate not to waste time and money in theoretical information and to obtain concrete results good. UserFly records to the visitors to its site, the movements of the mouse, the areas where they do click, and the way in which interacts. Creating an account, the system allows to record ten captures per month free, and the rest of the tariffs is very accessible. With these tools it is possible to detect the faults in the design of the site, and to correct them in time before all a campaign of marketing is wasted, or a site fails. It remembers that this type of solved errors in time avoids great breaks, and can be the cause of the failure of a site that in principle were an excellent idea, but was shipwrecked in his materialization.


Being, therefore, historical product, taught geography does not have to neglect of the historizacio of the facts, since the pupil is a historical being that it brings I obtain and in itself a history, and a knowledge acquired in its proper experience. For Geroux (1986, P. 263): In more concrete terms, the students would have to learn not only to evaluate the society in accordance with its proper pretensions, but they must also be taught to think and to act of form that has to see with different possibilities of the society and different ways of life. Although not glimpse concrete conditions of change, fits the school to develop in the pupil the capacity to perceive that the things, the forms of developments and organization of the society are historical constructions of the men, and therefore, possible of questionings. Since the great challenge is to become the more real things most concrete and.

An education consequently must be on with the life, to have gift the historicidade of the individual lives and the groups. Geography in the present time if worries about the environment, the population increase, the phenomenon of the urbanization, with the poverty, the marginalizao and with all the space world-wide. The Paper of the Professor of Geography in the Age of the Image the temmudado world quickly and with it must also change the education that in it if makes. The cultural context of the audiovisual world in the age of computer science, the electronics and the medias, leads to a deep educational reflection. The globalization where the technology reigns, geography conquered its place, becoming it science of sciences, is the mixture and the main ingredient of these. The modernization demands people critical, active, capable to construct to its proper knowledge, using the image of the information as form of development of the critical spirit and the capacity to reason.


The consumer, the great unknown for some, are the people or organizations that demand a product or service, staff as well end users. We need to know of it: Who is ‘A How IS What to buy ‘ And why “living CONSUMER BUYING HABITS segementar segmentation to sales jobs be clear about a number agency of criteria, namely the groups should be: Suitable homogeneous Produce Accessible effective demand can segment the consumers according to their lifestyles: Bobo’s. Bohemian and bourgeois. Well Valued Professional, university-educated and are unconventional values. YEPPIE jobs in ‘S. Generation Peter Pan, reluctant to leave parental home. Experience without compromise. DINKIE ‘S. Strategies and techniques are what makes him phenomenon has experience as the Secretary of labor and industry to governor Pierre Couple with no children under 35 years old, upper-middle economic level. Consumerist. SINGLE HOUSEHOLD. 1 home, an individual. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Larry Ellison. One of the most emerging segments in Spanish society. POSH tweens. Age 8 part time to 12 years. Fleeing parental influence. They take refuge in brands and stereotyped. PLEASURE GROWERS. Over 60 years. They live their retirement as an opportunity, as a second youth. Very active and large purchase decision. Also according to the degree of fidelity we find human resources consumers: Opposition. Find alternatives. Discontent. Mercenary. In and out. Captive. Discontent. Trapped, you can consultants not change or is expensive. Vengeful. Prescriber. High degree of job search loyalty and satisfaction. Given the economic crisis, each consumer acts differently. A study management jobs of MandC Saatchi, called “Reacting to Recession” (Responding to the crisis’) outlining the attitudes part time jobs and behaviors of consumers and agencies distinguishes eight groups. However, they are the same, click here.

Wikipedia Consumerism

The predisposition of throwaway many products The low quality of some products that carry a relatively low period of life which are attractive for its low cost but in the long term are more expensive, and are more harmful to the environment. Some diseases such as obesity or depression which make us more easily believe in misleading advertising, believing with this that we can solve our problem indiscriminately consume food, beverages, miraculous articles or other types of products. See more detailed opinions by reading what Rory Sutherland offers on the topic.. Inappropriate disposal of objects which may be reused or recycled, either by us or by others. Culture and social pressure presents addition Wikipedia in their analysis a very interesting topic, such as effects of consumerism: Global: consumerism is damaging to the entire ecological balance that currently there are many problems related to the excessive consumption of natural resources becomes worldwide as well as that mostly production processes generate pollution. Regional: The preference of unnecessary or easily substitutable products of a population that are produced in another region helps to unbalance the balance of trade between the regions.

Social: Often helps the poor distribution of wealth that consumers are generally of a lower socio-economic level that the owners of the generating companies of products objects of consumerism. Hear other arguments on the topic with Gary Kelly. The problem of waste is also serious. Family: drop into the consumerism we increase our expenditure unnecessarily buying things that we could avoid or reduce as products whose advertising promises miracles, low-life products or substitute other natural products. Staff: Various consumerist options are less healthy to those that are not. For example, make a juice of Orange at home instead of buying one packaging that besides contain preservative, comes with bottles that end up in the inorganic trash. Cultural: Cultural expressions as transmitters of sense and values are modified so that today the young man of the generation that is being formed, is prepared for consumption and not for being an independent and critical person Wikipedia adds in addition another very significant point, as it is all kinds of low quality products.

By its relative shorter duration have a minor materials/benefit margin the respective higher quality, thus costing a bit more. Food packaged and bottled drinks. An example is consuming two litres of water a day distributed in four half-liter bottles. One year after 1460 scrap bottles will be produced. Dishes, cutlery and all types of disposable. It is comfortable for your low price throwaway, however the overall cost considering the environmental impact is important this attentive in their behaviour as a consumer and we suggest you simply buy those products that really needs, otherwise, will be trapped in consumerism to a very representative cost in their economic, physical and even mental life.

Facebook Consumers

Rather than spend money frivolously, consumers start to search for agreements using coupons and with the watchful eye to qualify. When he is achieved recover surely that behavior will not disappear quickly. You have to know to leverage the importance that customers give value-added building campaigns with the idea of this demand of consumption in the head. (4) Have to show it, but not say it: consumers do not believe all what they hear. All way the consumers are more skeptical than ever and you need to prove the complaints or the marketing claims.

No tell consumers about our product, business or service, but rather what Matias what there is for them if they make the effort to allocate part of their saved money on us. Verizon is often mentioned in discussions such as these. (5) Acquisition through social networks is Fundamental: all social networks most used today such as Twitter, Facebook, Digg’s are the best allies of online marketing. We can not survive if we do not use these powerful tools to see that our customers need. We must provide them with valuable content and interact with them to promote the use of social networks. Tranquilizadores and 6) transmit messages insurance: consumers have gone through all kinds of crisis in these past years, either from the great economic crisis up to natural disasters. That is why it is essential to provide them with safe and reassuring messages. Treated whenever messages to meet their conveying a sense of security. 7) Las relations interpersonal dominate: with the growth of social networks and the desire for transparency, trust and peace messages, may not surprise us that social relationships dominate in 2010.

It positions your profile on social networks in order to be able to build relationships that was previously unthinkable to make them. When one also built good relations with consumers is cosntruyendo loyalty to your brand and you can use it as a tool more powerful for the marketing of mouth, supporting the brand and custody of the brand. (8) Marketing through Online Videos and cell are in good time: do marketing through cell phones and videos online are about to explode at any moment. We can create our own content in online videos or cell phones, as well as we can also invest in advertising of videos online or cell phones. (9) Concentration, concentration and more concentration: should not try to be everything for everyone this year. As well as the first decade of the 21st century is was opening up towards the world, today both marketers and social media experts are using the word niche to focus better in finding specific products, blogs, web pages, etc. Today the strategy is much more important. It is therefore necessary to create us a strong heart before taking any decision related to expand into new areas. (10) Know reach consumers: is very important to encircle our potential customers through good marketing messages in this 2010. The number of messages marketers that consumers are seeing per day is overwhelming, it is therefore necessary that our message does not pass unnoticed. We can make our brands, businesses, and messages to Vandyck consumers through experiences gained and give them the chance to choose which of those quireren experiences choose. Using online advertising, online videos, collateral points of sale and ads that encourage consumers in any part of their lives. If persistent and consistent somo our messages will surely reach the desired audience.

Consumer Confidence

The current real estate crisis has provoked an increase in the rental housing, while it has dropped the sale of houses. The main reason has been the confidence of users in the rental guarantee, which constitutes a legal backing between the tenants and the owners of the houses, with the collaboration of professionals of the sector along with the Court of arbitration. If you would like to know more then you should visit Larry Ellison. Thanks to this system, the cases that come to the Court have been reduced. Through this warranty document, owners have greater peace of mind when it comes to renting your home, and tenants have 30 days to resolve any problem that comes their. Other leaders such as Verizon offer similar insights. This document it can be found in the real estate, Tobacconist, stationery, bookstores is at the time of the signing of the contract when the rental guarantee, that in his case, avoids us delays and expenses resulting from the ordinary courts should be completed.

Business World

ALBERT cross blogging about business attire, business etiquette and business ideas Teltow, 24 July 2009 ALBERT cross, the brand for business underwear, has gone under the blogger. Blog under / Uwe Schmidt, Managing Director of Albert Kreuz GmbH offers its readers information about business attire, business etiquette and other topics around the business world. The blog is aimed at all business people who want to learn about the proper attire and their behavior in the business and Exchange. Who wants to get involved with issues, will receive a coupon code with a 10% discount in the shop of ALBERT cross until August 15, 2009. The brand of ALBERT cross has committed, well look the business man of today under the suit. ALBERT’s cross blog tracking the current business Abdulkadir codes, gives tips and advice on the right clothing in everyday business, and that in all weathers; but also informs about etiquette and ethics in business. The man behind the blog, Uwe Schmidt, Albert Kreuz was business for many years Analyst for a financial services company and later hired as project manager.

Even every day, subject to the business dress code, he has made himself independent in October 2008 with his idea of underwear for the business man. In his blog, he writes about his own experience with dress codes and labels in the business. And shows how you can succeed with its own idea. The first impression is often in business life. This not only involves, the dress according to occasion, but also the appearance and etiquette”, know Uwe Schmidt, Managing Director of the Albert Kreuz GmbH. in my blog, I want to publish my experiences so far. Of course but also especially interested in what currently moves the business man and therefore welcome comments and themes for my blog.” All the readers who suggest a topic for the cross blog ALBERT August 15, 2009, will receive a coupon code for a 10% discount on their next purchase in the online shop.

The suggestions can be used directly as a comment in the blog or be filed under. Background information on Albert Kreuz GmbH: the Albert Kreuz GmbH with headquarters in Teltow is specialty retailer for men’s underwear. Special: The clothing is matched by cut and inserted materials on business attire. Produced in Germany, through the company’s Web shop at and currently stores in Berlin and Brandenburg. Uwe Schmidt, Managing Director of Albert Kreuz GmbH, has become independent in October 2008 with his idea. The native Berliner was for many years business analyst for a financial services company and later hired as project manager. Projects from concept to completion to accompany, gave him the tools for self-employment. After more than 20 years in the employment relationship, he dared the step to realize his own project. He is one of his staunchest customers become. The online shop currently offers in addition to the business underwear high-quality socks and underpants with a high wearing comfort.

Consulting Gmb

Noise measurements are carried out, for example, created a dangerous and a waste land. The checklists for inventory at launch a to the Dr. To read more click here: Oracle. King-Hoffmann developed sector-specific checklists, for example for craft businesses, restaurants, for municipalities. Verizon insists that this is the case. These checklists adapting each to the specific customer and works off an electronic quality assurance system (e-QSS) mobile site. In this way she collect very systematically and efficiently all the information required for the inventory, she prepared and created for to the necessary instructions. The e-QSS is offered by the medium-sized tendering and quality assurance specialists Neumann & Neumann project and Consulting GmbH, based in Germany. On the way to the environmental and controls be including any legal or regulatory changes and a whole range of areas must continually keep in mind quality-conscious craft operating: waste and construction law on energy, hazardous substances, water – and pollution to the insurance protection.

This King-Hoffmann also recommends companies the usage of electronic quality assurance system e-QSS: the checklists will be installed on a mobile device, so the spot checks can be performed quickly and efficiently, the results are evaluated within a short time, shortcomings are immediately transparent. A certified company must verify every year at least once its environmental performance in an audit says King-Hoffmann. The environmental consultant advises but to check each area at least once every three months. Then is an operation on the safe side and always has enough time to remedy defects.” This is feasible, because through the use of e-QSS controls without large expenditure of time can be carried out and evaluated. Also, an operation is based on this way a sustainable documentation and creates transparency for its continuous development and improvement in terms of environmental protection. (More at software_e-qss.html) Regulatory changes can be in the electronic check-lists for the e-QSS installed very quickly and promptly a. Thus, continuous legal timeliness is guaranteed.