Berlin One

What we will see daqui in ahead in them will bring reflections a little less arbitrary, wants to say, will be, in fact, following a line of antropolgica and philosophical research, which in them demanded reading and understanding of diversions authors, mainly Cassirer. However, what we know is that we will not have, to the end of the research, resolution of the question for the direction and meaning of the man. But we think, and now a sufficiently personal thing, that the queerness that we cite before, this yes, perhaps can answer us more clearly. at the same time, does not have greater blackness in place some of the symbolic universe.

History and memory of Ernst Cassirer Ernst Cassirer were born in 28 of July of 1874, Breslau, Germany (the same city belonged to the Poland and was called Wroclaw in previous times). Of family it mistreats of middle class (its father, Eduard Cassirer, was trader), was still changed young for the city of Berlin, where it initiated its university studies, in 1892, in the University of Berlin. It initiated studies in right, and soon more one became involved with the reading of classic workmanships of literature and philosophy. Also it passed for the universities of Leipzig, Heidelberg and Munique, where it studied biological history, languages and sciences. In 1896, it knew Hermann Cohen (1842-1918) and became one of its students of the neokantiana line, in University of Marburg

In 1899, Cassirer defended its doutorado thesis of, that it dealt with on Discardings and the mathematical analysis the scientific knowledge (Discardings, Kritik der Mathematischen und Naturwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis). At this time, Cassirer not yet had if involved directly with the antropolgico thought, since its main works mentioned the theory to it of the knowledge? following the tradition of the school of Marburg. In 1902, it was married its cousin, Toni Blondy, with who remained until the day of its death.

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