Business Academy

A new professional perspective in the care – offers the project training center senior citizens service Express (TSSE) of Schleswig-Holstein Business Academy. For a Tuesday morning, it is surprisingly quiet on the station 64 in the Friedrich-Ebert-hospital in Neumunster. At the moment is”just business, explains Klaus-Dieter Hinrichsen. Time for him, just to breathe and to drink a cup of coffee. But believe me, this is not always the case”, he noticed between two SIPs. Competently and calmly Hinrichsen reports of his work, although he is only employed for a few months in the psychiatric ward.

“It shows the modern new building, in which they soon will move, and says proudly: already more than just a job for me is to work here.” Hinrichsen is come to care about detours. The native Kiel works as a clerk in a plumbing supplies, until it 2005 out of work is. Deliberately he decides then to change the industry: I had never previously dealing with care. But I wanted to in He explains this area start again, because I knew here, workers are needed,”. To acquire the necessary knowledge, he attended a nursing assistant course and doing an internship in a health care facility.

Two years can he work there in a mini job, goes for a walk with the patients on the Lake, reads them from the newspaper and not you with them human plays Parcheesi”. In Germany, some 2.3 million people are reliant, one in three of them lives in an appropriate institution. There they should not simply sleep, eat and are cared for medically, but deal also makes sense, have normal lives. There are therefore additional resources for the support available, of which so-called support forces can be adjusted 87B SGB XI according to since 2008. They accompany the care in everyday life, have time for longer conversations and give them security and orientation.

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