Mobile Enter Orders With A Low Bar Code PDA All-in-one Solution

The software module orders with the bar code PDA XP20 or XP30 customers- and purchase orders easily and quickly mobile recorded because many processes for users is very similar, this has prompted the Systemhaus macro IDENT, standard software modules for the popular PalmOS barcode to develop PDAs of the XP series. Thus, software development companies in industry, individual and wholesale, trade missions and items store – for example, in the purchase of goods – can be quickly and cost-effectively. Projects with only one, two or three devices including development costs were now doomed to failure, because development costs are only very high. That’s why macro has come up with a cheaper way of developing software IDENT. For the rugged bar code PDA XP20 and XP30, where the stable operating system PalmOS 5.4.9. Garnet runs, has developed various, inexpensive software modules macro IDENT.

Especially customization, in spite of the already developed standard software – can according to customer’s request also subsequently be made. The software module orders customers orders and orders captured mobile. Customer data such as customer number, name, place and discount can be entered device or they included there – regardless of the orders – or changed. After selecting a customer from a list, a new order for this can be created with the customer data is automatically transferred on push of a button. Existing orders can be changed at any time or can be modified or deleted. Multiple jobs for a customer can be attached as well. In addition to the manual input of the EAN (bar codes) or the article number of the individual line items per order, the bar code reader unit integrated in the bar code PDA allows an easy and quick input of number (s) by a quick scan of the barcode. The optional software module catalogue is used to providing article data such as bar code, article number, article name, price and more multiline information.

In connection with the above Software module is to realize flow the following orders: scan barcode the associated (E.g. company), article data is displayed from the catalog module, enter amount, to own information / control price referred to in article display, storing data completely and collect on the bar code PDA.

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