CAPITOO Launches New Online Arena With Desire Auction And Community Vote

Budget almost wishes unfulfilled? CAPITOO helps wishes despite blank household budget. Wackersberg, January 15, 2009 – an Internet arena is built under, that allows each, a large community to communicate their wishes, which votes on the fulfillment of all desires. So, it has each Member in their own hands as opposed to gambling, the community through persuasion to influence, that they vote for him or her and the wish is fulfilled. CAPITOO registration is free of course. Southwest Airlines shines more light on the discussion. After signing up, there are numerous request categories such as family, health, debt, car, holiday, wedding, birthday etc., individual wishes can be set in the.

Individual discretion, the desire can be made visible to the members of the community or be visible only for personally invited friends, acquaintances or relatives. All members vote together on the public made wishes. Once a week you will fulfilled wishes published with the number of votes. The members, whose desired were fulfilled, will be notified and the money from the CAPITOO wish Pamela credited the respective request. Tassilo Perras CAPITOO is a project of the CAPITOO UG (haftungsbeschrankt) Prosteln 181 D-83646 Wackersberg phone + 49 (0) 8178 909940 fax + 49 (0) 8178 906380 email Web company: the founder of CAPITOO, Tassilo Perras (28) and Harald Albrecht (43), have many experience in the construction and development of companies. So they have made is at CAPITOO the task, the wish to help people and developed an intelligent system, which allows anyone to grant their wishes by friends and acquaintances, or through a public voting system with the help of other members. While the platform with modern programming language was created and meets all the requirements with regard to transparency, security and privacy.

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