Together for a feeling of safety in the sport of Zahnexperten24, safeguard dental in sport launches an initiative on the subject in cooperation with the company Hager & works, DREVE, Erkodent and Scheu dental. Under the slogan”together for a safe feeling in sports, the goal is an intensive and collaborative investigation of sports in terms of the current possibilities of effective prevention of dental accidents and the considerable differences within the offered solutions. The reasons for a such campaign in the not inconsiderable number of accidents in the sport with a dental injury and the resulting, not to unterschatzenden treatments in succession. Users can find the potential hazard of a dental injury, in the area of protection types & costs at a glance see facts short, but also detailed background on the subject of dental protection and dental accidents among sports including the solutions offered in the direct comparison and we give answers to the most frequently asked questions in the FAQ section. Is for children and young people due to the unfinished pine growth and the resulting long-term treatments given a special urgency and the point of tooth accident, what now… supplied quickly the user with information, if now a dental accident occurred.
And in the left navigation under here find they help their individual tooth protection the first connected dentists and dental technicians like to continue. Zahnexperten24 looks more professional partner for the production of individual tooth protection for a nationwide service at the federal level. Contact: Zahnexperten24 Chancellor place 2-10 D-53113 Bonn, T + 49 (228) 2673-184 F + 49 (228) 2673-203 email: Web: Zahnexperten24 the brand for zahnheilkundliche projects Zahnexperten24 is currently led by the sole proprietor Mr Jorg Knieper. Through the cooperation with the company tuplus-IDL and Thomas Burgard Web design & software development, as well as external experts within the dentistry and dental technology can zahnheilkundliche projects on be prepared and implemented technically very high level. Through the connection to project place, coordination processes and the Central Administration within the projects be solved professionally. The vision many zahnheilkundliche topics are very important and should be much more intense communicates in public. But very often there is a long preparation to achieve a working networking and a sustainably-constructed structure to lasting success and place special topics within the flood of daily information. The vision is so very special, but for a large number of the population still important not only address issues, but appropriate comprehensive approaches to develop and implement.
Currently these are important topics such as dental accident, dental protection in sports, dental emergency services, dental phobia, needle stick injuries in dental practices and other topics we. The dental organizations, each dentist and dental technician, accident- and health insurance and many more We want to support people and organizations who engage daily for optimum dental health in important matters. Zahnexperten24 here opts for cooperation for the benefit of a quick and common implementation. We build bridges, and if we are able to implement a large number of important topics in ever-shorter periods in the population, also our vision come true.
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