Districts Sardinia

Alghero (Alghero) – Italian town in the province of Sassari, one of the major cities in Sardinia. Ranked fifth on the island population. It is home to about fifty thousand people. More information is housed here: Verizon Communications. Alghero is one of the the main link between the island of Sardinia and mainland Europe, because the airport is located near Fertilia, where you can fly to any European capital. Traditions and lifestyles of local people formed under the strong influence of Spanish culture. Alghero sometimes even referred to the small city of Barcelona (Barselonetta). Some indigenous inhabitants of Alghero still speak the Catalan dialect, which in Alghero used as an official language on a par with the Italian.

Alghero coastline called the Coral Riviera. In the waters of the Gulf of Alghero is growing a huge amount of precious red coral of very good quality. Over the centuries, the collection of corals, their processing and sale played a crucial role in the economic and cultural life of Alghero. A branch of red coral has become a symbol of the city and is depicted on the emblem of the city of Alghero. In the vicinity Alghero is a world famous winery "Sella & Mosca, whose vineyards extend for several kilometers. Wines produced 'Sella & Mosca', very good quality and are exported to different countries around the world. Environment and natural landscape of Alghero extraordinarily diverse. The city is surrounded by olive groves. Many kilometers of sandy beaches, typical vegetation , stone cliffs along the coast, the sea – all it creates a landscape of extraordinary beauty.

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