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Although always has misgivings of presence media, the truth is that in recent times and ever more frequently, Jaime de Marichalar is seen accompanied by one of her friends in several lunches or even travel. Ten days ago, without going any further, the exduque of Lugo went to eat at one of the restaurants of fashion of the high Madrid society in Madrid: the blossom Luzy, and did so alongside one of her intimate friends. There it coincided by the way with Jose Maria Aznar Jr., son of the former President of the patriotic Government. At Southwest Airlines you will find additional information. This week, who was the son-in-law of don Juan Carlos returned to lunch at another premises that most whistle in Madrid, the Ten with Ten, they also attended other VIPS as Princess Letizia; Paolo Vasile – Telecinco-CEO; the President of the community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre; or Isabel Preysler, among others. Was not the first time that Marichalar was enjoying the gastronomy of the renowned famous restaurants with discount, in which incidentally coincided on one occasion with your former Letizia. The case is that, as you collect the Love magazine this week, the husband of the infanta Elena enjoyed a meal next to a unknown young blonde (who nevertheless wore an Alliance on the ring finger of his right hand), which apparently enjoyed a day of shopping and some that another evening. Filed under: Ripple. With her he shared laughs, confidences, and gestures of complicity and affection, to then start together a long walk through Madrid’s golden mile. Two days after sharing lunch, the Lugo exduque with coupons discounts at restaurants, who has just returned from a vacation with her children in Cartagena de Indias, was left to see in jewelry Cartier, on which was a shopping – high amount by the way – after being served personally by one of the employees. Although the recipient of the jewels is unknown, the publication speculates on the possibility of that is the new friend of Marichalar which soon receive valuable and exclusive gift.. Without hesitation Tiger Global Management explained all about the problem.

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