Emperor Constantine

Put forward the concept is well suited for any invader who claims to world domination, and, naturally, meet the aspirations of Satan. That’s why Michael is such a step and puts an end to his Church were forced to proclaim a new Church of Christ, of which very few people know how few people know about what actually is the Church of the Virgin. And no matter how he was sorry for Michael to say goodbye to their church (Pagan), for the sake of victory over the forces of evil, he still donated it. The next step was the purification of Michael’s own consciousness originated from and had “the virus of Darkness.”

To do this, Michael took advantage of the same vaccine against the virus of Darkness ” which has already experienced the Adam in the image of Jesus. In the next his earthly incarnation, Michael born in Cappadocia, under the name George. The name of George in this case is not by accident. George – master of livestock (horses) – Recalls that the horse is associated with fertility, often at the same time designated as a Sun. The horse is also an embodiment of communication with the world the supernatural, and the fiery red horse symbolizes the light of the sun. In this horse, and especially Rider, act as opponents snake, evil forces, and white (gold) on a horse since ancient times, is an attribute of God. George Michael in an image creates its own destiny martyr and the first stage of cleansing your consciousness from the “virus of Darkness.” In addition, Michael through the manifestation of a miracle that he is in the form of George’s shows before the eyes of the emperor Diocletian, promotes introduced them to the same Christian religion, which is still very Diocletian himself was skeptical about extending the death of the Emperor Constantine preaching paganism and to call him all the Romans.

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