Flora Agreement

In parallel to these delays in talks with the accused and SEREMI Conaf National Property in order to reach compensation agreements. The professional investigation originated in the complaint that the Aysen branch director of the Committee for the Defence of Flora and Fauna (Codeff), Peter Hartmann, held on July 3, 2008 and was intended that the crime of illegal cutting native forest by the company is not solved only at the local police court of Puerto Aysen, as only days before the presentation so much as Southern Energy and National Assets Conaf had reached a settlement in view of the environmental organization was illegal, questionable property and injury indemnified the company had led to the Treasury. In this original agreement only required them to reforest the same amount of land, only two native species, with a low density of plants per hectare and even plots of the company. These works were included in an agreement signed in November 2006 between Southern Energy, Transportation and Public Works SEREMI addressed to date by the outgoing mayor and president of COREMA,

Selim Lobo Carrasco, who now heads the assessment process environmental impact study that the company entered the System of Environmental Impact Assessment in August 2009. PY compensation agreements The agreement reparative which was formalized on Monday leaves the transaction effect forcing the company to submit a management plan of correction that will consider, among other things, that reforestation will take place in 22.24 hectares of land (and not just over 10 original ), which cover the ground should have a density of 3000 plants per hectare (the original agreement was 1666 plants per hectare), species of the same type for evergreen forest intervened as cinnamon, coigue, peanuts and tepa, among others also cypress The Guaitecas (in the original agreement was only meant coigue cypress) and shall be conducted in public land with similar characteristics to corrupt.

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