FORESIGHT – Current Fair Value Accounts The

The so-called poverty in old age is always more to the bitter reality of increasing competition and cost pressure and the impact of globalization do not stop before the middle class and brought to the center of the discussion of working time working time accounts and working life models. Companies are facing the challenge to shift work to locations with lower wages or to achieve cost reduction through advanced flexibility of working hours. In addition it is to control the age distribution of the workforce and the capacity needs in times of cyclical fluctuations. Professional solutions from a staff perspective are essential especially in the light of the introduction of the State pension with 67 years and the Elimination of part-time work from the year 2009. We need in our economic system therefore also for the age to secure flexible solutions which allow workers on the one hand, to retire earlier and are and at the same time, on the other hand to give the company a modern personnel policy and liquidity optimization to the hand tool. Large companies such as VW, Siemens, Deutsche Telekom, or SAP apply innovative design possibilities, providing working life models for many years with great success. Working life accounts give to even smaller and medium-sized enterprises that economic benefits, such as cost reduction, improvement in rating and asset optimization opportunity. The company FORESIGHT supports companies, entrepreneurs and private individuals in all aspects of financial and asset structuring.

This is the company specialized in the expert advice and implementation of pension schemes. In cooperation with the renowned German fair value accounts and working life models and Rodl & partner consulting company, there is FORESIGHT GmbH in the position for any company to offer interesting working life models. Compared to the usual market models, those models on the needs and wishes of the companies are perfectly customizable and ausgestaltbar. Our spectrum ranges from the implementation of regular Zeitwertkontenmodellen on intelligent guarantee interest solutions to immediate liquidity enhancing mortgage and guarantee options. Appropriate design, all these models offer a high degree of attractiveness and planning security for the company as well as for the workers and opened the use of a variety of business and financial advantages. For these reasons, every company FORESIGHT can the intensive occupation with the subject value accounts and working life models”only strongly recommend. Contact: FORESIGHT GmbH, Kaiserstrasse 10 b 49809 Lingen/EMS Tel. 0591-9154506 fax 0591-6104445 E-Mail: Web:

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