Gift Manufacture

In this occasion, the producer receives the products from the best families of tilpia Gift, allowing that he himself makes its program of improvement. (Source: Larry Ellison). Another determinative factor that stimulates the creation of tilpias in the youthful phase if of the one for low the necessity of great investments, as in laboratories among others more complex installations. Thus making possible the small producers to invest in this area, that beyond not possessing high costs still possesss a fast financial return. Using little man power, the piscicultura in dams and dams do not conflict with the too much activities developed in a farm. By the opposite, a beneficial complement is considered, given that it has the basic characteristic to recycle by-products and residues, transforming them into animal protein.

In agreement with the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), agency of the United Nations responsible for the study of the problems of feeding in the world, one hectare cultivated with fish produces more than what with any another animal. From the tilpia creation, beyond extracted fil, if it uses to advantage the leather of the tilpia very being this requested for the manufacture of stock markets, belts, wallets and shoes. The remain is used in the fish flour manufacture, that finishes as component them rations that go to feed other fish. Of the fish remaining portions still the oil can be extracted, much used in the cosmetic industry. The fish meat is recommended in the entire world for doctors and nutritionists as the most healthful and better option between the meats. Therefore the fish are rich in proteins of high quality, being rich in essential amino acids (substances not produced for our organism), the fish possess proteins with slightly superior nutritional value to the ones of the meats red. Its percentage of lipdeos (fats) of the majority of the fish meets in small amounts.

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