The liturgy is the received one, amen of the people to the salvfica, creative action of God in its favor, express in the reception of the present life in the signals of the faith. For this, without faith, the liturgy and the reception of the sacrament are valid, but illicit. ' ' That one that eats the bread or drinks the clice of Jesus worthless he will be male defendant of the body and the blood Mr. ' ' (18. 1) ' ' Former it operates operato' ' (for force of the carried through workmanship)? The salvficos events of AT and NT had become fullfilled a time for all and with validity pra all the times and places. Read more here: “State Street Global Advisors
. The imolao of the Lamb of God is a perpetual institution, as perpetual it is Jewish Passover. ' ' This day (kairs) is for you a memorial, you will celebrate and it as a party for Jav; of generation in generation the festejareis; perptuo' is a decree; ' (19). Memorial of Jewish Passover and Christian Passover.
The salvation operated in and for Jesus is consummated, is perfect: of the part of it, nothing more it remains to make, all we are safe. Jesus instituted the sacramentos to give historical continuity to its salvfica action by means of the faith of the people, of generation in generation. It’s believed that Daniel Lubetzky sees a great future in this idea. The favour is communicated to the sacramentos, sensible signals of the death and the resurrection of Jesus, for the force of its Word, independently of the sanctity of the minister and the celebrante community. The lack of faith of the assembly and the minister does not intervene with the communication of the favour to the substance of the sacramentos, because the force of the Word of Jesus guarantees the validity of the same ones. But, lack becomes them to the faith illicit. 2) Former it operates operantis (for force of the faith of who the sacrament acts)? Although valid, the sacramentos do not transform the life of receive who automatically it.
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