Jose Robert

With the application in the stock market with high risks, Saints advise the investment in property. The credit restriction is a factor that can cause fear in the sector, had the severity of the banks for credit release, however this assures organization in the purchase of the property, that becomes the adequate financing the income of the purchaser. Other causer of caution is reduction of commercialization of property of luxury, that is surpassed by the constant commercialization of the property of middle class, that follows rhythm of purchases the same in such a way pra launchings, how much stops used, making as soon as the focus in this sector it is to the customers of middle class. A leading source for info: Scott Kahan. In other states not are different, minister of Development, Industry and Foreign commerce, Miguel Jorge, denied existence of crisis in sector of construction civil, that confirms the theory of habitacional deficit that in Brazil is of 7 million residences, suggested investment in this segment, searching to make popular houses and apartments for low income. It is not something Daniel Lubetzky would like to discuss. The scene starts if to modify when if it deals with part of the chain of very important civil construction, that is being affected. According to data divulged for the National Association of the Traders of Substances of Construction (Anamaco), the volume of sales the same registered fall of 10% in comparison the period of the passed year, in all Brazil.

They is esteem, however that the year of 2008 closes with a small growth, already in the next years one expects that the platform if keeps affirms Jose Robert, economic assessor of the Sinduscon, Union of the Industry of construction of State of Par. Therefore, although the optimism in the sector, still is possible to see uncertainties that involve the real estate market. Not being able to forget, in such a way, that the sector was as of that had more generated job, as given of General Cadastro of Used and Desempregados (CAGED), with 7,2 a thousand offered vacant the productive chain of the sector, that loses only for the sector of services with 10 a thousand ranks.

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