To diminish in the distance between professor, pedagogical team and direction of the school; – To previously narrow and to fortify affective bows between the cited professionals; – Descontrair the pedagogical meetings, transforming them into productive, pleasant and glad moments beyond; – To raise auto-they esteem of the professionals of the education; – To value the cited professionals previously; – To provide the exchange of ideas, suggestions and experiences; – To argue problems and to search solutions in set; – To promote the improvement professional; – To invest in the professional qualification; – Among others. How they must be the pedagogical meetings? They must be a collective space, individualizado, or both? It must be a space of reflections or action? A space where the pedagogical one takes advantage or the administrative one? Hasty or slow, generous or authoritarian, bureaucratic or dynamic a space, of difference or equalities, consensus or dissent, of professors or of ‘ ‘ uncles and tias’ ‘ , of formation and culture or to know technician? That space is this after all? Questions that go up to around the heads of many educators for the schools of ours pas.’ ‘. How are carried through the pedagogical meetings in E.E. Dr.
Jose Teodoro de Souza? To answer this and other questions are that the curricular period of training in this school was carried through. Communication, – Respect, – Tolerance, – Liberty of speech, – Changes of paradigms, – Motivation, – Update, – Evasion, – Indiscipline, – Low pertaining to school income, – Inclusion, – Difficulty of learning, – Bullying, – Violence, – Continued Formation and – professional Qualification. 4.9. METHODOLOGY – To initiate the meeting with a coffee of the afternoon, since the pedagogical meetings always have beginning to the 17 hours..
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