Practical Functional

To calculate itself that, in Brazil, the functional illiterates add 70% of the economically active population. Whenever baby clothes listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In the world all he has between 800 and 900 million them. They are people with less than four years of escolarizao: but he can yourself be found, also, people with university formation and exerting function-key in companies and institutions, private how much in such a way public. They do not have the abilities of comprehensive reading, written and calculation to neither make front to the necessities of professionalization and of the partner-cultural life. The fall of the productivity provoked for the deficiency in basic abilities results in mediums brown and damages of the US$ order 6 billion per year in the entire world. Why? Because they are people who do not understand signals of acknowledgment of danger, instructions of hygiene and security it work, orientaes on productive process, procedures of norms techniques of the quality of services and recklessness them values of the enterprise organization. Here it is there ' ' Heel of Aquiles' ' of as many organizations: Practical declaration and of Values. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Zendesk. what they are these Values? They are beliefs and principles that guide the activities and operations of a company, independent of its transport or branch of activity.

Its controllers they must show, in the practical one that the mannering systems, procedures and attitudes are respected and coherent with the values established in function of its customers and the ethics of the businesses. If it will not be thus, the results will be disastrous. So that the functional illiteracy if only eradicates exists an exit: to educate and to train for the quality. quality does not have cost; it is investment. The cost of the quality is the expenditure of the missed work, badly fact, incomplete, without professionalism. It is the cost of the functional illiteracy (Botelho, 2007). The CONCEPT FUNCTIONAL ILLITERACY the term functional alfabetismo was brother-in-law in the United States in the decade of 30 and used by the North American army during the Second War, indicating the incapacity to understand written instructions necessary.

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