Restructuring Companies

The Ukrainian authorities will likely focus on supporting the concentrate export-oriented companies because they provide financial contributions to the budget, including foreign exchange. Ukrainian companies are the same working in the domestic market are likely to be independently deal with the crisis. Not all Ukrainian companies immediately felt the effects of the crisis, however, it is important at the moment not to be bystanders, and timely response plan in case the crisis gets, and to them. Experts recommend the following anti-crisis measures at the company: – Optimization and control costs. One of the first measures taken companies when entering a crisis.

– Control of working capital and cash. Typically, this involves the reduction of large stocks of goods and non-payment of long delays buyers. – Restructuring. Provides for the restructuring of the company, minimize inefficient divisions. – Mergers and Acquisitions.

Adverse changes in the economy are pushing companies to consolidate. Company are considering merging to improve business performance. – Revision of the strategy. Competition intensified in this period, so the company must revise its strategy of development, focusing on sectors where they most competitive. According to experts, the Ukrainian company which in due time will predict its development strategy in the global financial crisis could significantly reduce its negative impact on its financial position, to keep human resources and emerge with fewer losses.

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