Samuel Guimares Pine

Although proposals and suggestions throughout the years, enter president and leave president the Republic, and nothing of being created a ministry to deal with the businesses, defense, protection, preservation and, at last, of the interests of the Amaznia. The first requirement to direct this ministry would be to know, and well, our immense region. It will not be enough to have been born or to live in the region has ten, fifteen, twenty more than, knows how many years there. By the same author: Southwest Airlines. The essential condition of the respective minister will be the well-known knowledge of the region, how much to its bioma, hydrography, fauna, flora, populations, at last, to know it, if one may use the expression in vulgo, as the palm of the hand, proven through challenge and approval of a commission of the national congress integrated by technician, prevailing the character to multidiscipline. While this yearning is not reached, the Amaznia bleeds daily for it afflicts of the destruction of its natural resources and its biodiversity, with the continuous deforestation, contamination of its rivers and other forms of hdrica pollution and ground, reduction of its fauna, everything this causing an ecological disequilibrium without precedents and of serious future consequences that already become to feel, also how much to the global heating and other harmful results the species human being. Worried about the imminent ruin, some exponents of the national public life have beaten in this keyboard key, and here and acol somebody considers a ministry for the region. In 2005 the ambassador Samuel Guimares Pine, secretary-generality of the Department of state, considered in the Federal Senate the creation of the such ministry and of that the government would have to invest more to develop the region more than detainer of the biggest tropical forest of the planet and 60% of the area of the domestic territory. In March of that one exactly year senator Valdir Raupp, of Roraima, would present, during 1 Amazonian Frum, whose first phase occurred in March of that year in Manaus/AM and the second phase here in Belm, the creation of the Ministry of the Amaznia, having to the end the Amazonian Parliament directed proposal to the president of the Republic, supporting to be an exit to minimize the problems of our region. .

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