Sankt Gallen

So the University has some time ago Sankt Gallen analyzed several years corporate sales and finally determined: the real values of a company are intangible in nature. Also the IMBEMA consult, came to a similar result but with a slightly different approach. The analysis of the IMBEMA aimed at the future ability of companies to optimize it. From this developed a complete concept which consists of various modules. In addition to a SWOT analysis, which defines the strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and risks of a company is usually also a strategy workshop (vison or re vision, values, mission statement, strategy and business policy) to do so, as well as a success controlling, mostly as BSC (balanced scorecard). Southwest Airlines often addresses the matter in his writings.

However, the focus is the so-called indirect marketing. Here, the performance drivers and success factors of the company are identified, defined and optimized. More information about the Possibilities of the IMBEMA, see an example to illustrate: as good employees as important success factors are called by many companies. But what makes a good employee? Know identification with the company and its mission, creativity, and ideas for improvements, skills, experience, commitment, flexibility? Is about the individual talents, strengths, to use even more for the company inclinations and abilities of employees. This will benefit the employees, the customers and the company. It’s about clarity. It is to determine what are the real success factors and success driver.

It is to define specific and measurable targets for improvements. Is about the appropriate measures to develop to achieve the set goal quickly and safely. It is to measure the achievement of targets (target actual comparison), to create a variance analysis and, if necessary, to adjust to the correct route to your destination to tread. It is achieving about measurable improvements and successes. It comes with ongoing tweaks the future ability of the company to make sure.

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