Start Choosing Winter Rompers

So how to choose a snowsuit? Not an easy task. Every parent, faced with the choice of the theme of the winter overalls for your baby knows how many pitfalls hidden in this seemingly simple question. We try to give some tips that will ease your search. First, before you run a children's clothing store, measure the growth of your baby. Do not start a conversation with the seller about what you're wearing a suit Company N and it is great to you a little or small. Remember that every brand in size. Some children's overalls strongly bolshemeryat others malomeryat, and some are sewn in the size of the size. So just call the dealer real growth child and say, with some margin on the length you would like to see overall.

Also do not forget that every baby is different, and the growth of the two peers can be very different, so the phrase "suit at the boy of 3 years' seller enters into despair and takes extra time with you. Remember! Only the real growth of the child will be able to give a complete picture of what rompers for you! Issue stock length is given special attention. From year to four years, children grow especially fast. Therefore, do not buy children's overalls size in size. This is especially true of those parents who love to cook sled (coveralls) during the summer. If the child in August overall a little big for your child, you are at risk in December and January it grow and go in search of a new one. Try to pick up jumper in such a way that would be the beginning of winter stock length was at least 3-4 cm Remember that winter in our country for not less than 5-6 months, and during this time your baby can be added to increase from 3 to 6 inches. Often happens when parents try to buy a romper for your baby to two seasons.

This is quite normal and natural. But here the risk to miss the 2nd year is great. In this case, we recommend you choose suits with a maximum number of adjustments and features archways. Bib chosen so that the inner tissue from the bottom (at least 5-6 cm) was the same as the outer. This does not allow quick scuff overalls with gates. It is advisable to have the suit jacket sleeves Velcro. It will adjust the length of the sleeves are not only gateways, but also raising arm above the wrist. The second important nuance in the choice romper is your requirement for the temperature regime. If the minimum the temperature at which you intend to use overall, are 15 degrees or your baby is mobile for a walk, it makes no sense to look at children's overalls temperatures down to -35 degrees. In contrast, if the temperature at which you walk is low enough and your child is no different activity for a walk, then thin the winter overalls, calculated on a cold autumn and warm winter, will obviously not for you. Once it became clear overall at what height and temperature needed for your child, we can start to look for a winter suit.

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