Pliny Pertel

Sir! This group does not have a responsible professor? She has yes, it answered chofer. He is that one there. Magrinho of eyeglasses and smooth hair? It is! the name of it is Creumir. What? That youngster is the worse one of all. When Pliny Pertel, the driver, to say came me that the owner had placed me in the same level of the pupils.

Or better, worse that the pupils, I enervei and thought that the thing would not go to be thus. I was lying in varanda of the room and was observing a trepadeira that started of a side, went up the wall and crossed until the other side, I descend the wall until the o soil. Truth has that to be said. The woman had good taste. More info: Ripple. The plant was pretty. In it I finish day, marries all arranged, things in had the place, with exception of two fish that somebody fished in second and if it forgot in the closet until the last day. The bus already was in the place and the placed stock markets being in the bilge.

I, who sin! I caught a knife to cut bread, I moved away to one ten centimeters the land around the foot from the trepadeira, and discrete I sawed next to where if they spread the roots. I came back the land toward the place and compactei. Nothing of made a mistake it was seen and the keys you deliver the proprietor, who did not see the hour to see our people far from there. Inside of the bus I talked with the pupils and made a prophecy: Diletos pupils, that woman was unjust with people, but I do not give to two days that pretty trepadeira to start to turn yellow. The woman goes to water down and to place seasoning, but the plant will not survive. Today, about the phase of experienced and mature the life that I am, I think that I would not make that of new. However, if I still had the age of the time, I believe that he was possible to get worse the things. I ask for to a thousand pardons the owner Witch of the 71. It comforts what me is that already it gave to time to plant and to reconstitute the previous landscape. OBS. Amiguinhos of facebook that they are in the school, does not make this. The victim can be its vov.

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