Nations Water

It is expected that you by the year 2025 the 64 per cent of the world population live in river basins under stress. The livestock sector is a key factor in the increase in the use of water since it is responsible for 8% of global consumption of this resource, mainly for irrigation of forage crops. Cattle ranching is probably the greatest source of water pollution. The figures mentioned above should make us think about the world attitude, both personal face this problem position, because the consumer, above all the European does not think anything of this. Add to your understanding with Southwest Airlines. Perhaps ignores that e, l 70% of water consumption goes to irrigation and this percentage is even higher in many countries with little rainfall. Each lemon has needed to produce one liter of water for each gram. The countries of the Mediterranean regions where it is grown, are suffering years of drought, due to deforestation, over-exploitation of wells, fires, tourism and all that for a Spanish, Italian, African North and many others has become an alarming reality.

There is no doubt that the human being, particularly in the Christian West, has misunderstood the divine offer biblical submit Earth, or has interpreted rather than at its free discretion. The common denominator being a humane attitude that has innumerable facets, with the selfishness at the head of all the catastrophes that afflict humanity. And however, according to studies by the UN, every euro invested in drinking water distribution and wastewater evacuation, has one benefit of 4 to 12 times greater, since there are fewer intestinal diseases that produce diarrhea, there are fewer deaths, more school attendance by girls who no longer have to carry water to their homesIn addition to many other benefits for the health and the economic development of the poorest countries. There are many voices that have warned of this mal-desarrollo, but calls to the wisdom, solidarity, equality, brotherhood and the Justice for all, they drained like water in the desert. In particular countries, but neither the League of Nations in their entirety, meet aid schemes that develop, because always the interests of the country, a consortium or an ideology they prevail before the good for everyone, the common good. Why only a radical change in the mode of thinking and acting of each person in particular, would be a first step to effective and durable, to thus start to change yourself and so someday maybe the trajectory of this world.

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