Tag: business

Mora Vanegas

Carlos Mora Vanegas the primordial nature of every human being is to be open to life and love. Show watchdog, on the defensive, mistrustful and enclosed, is second nature in our culture. They are the means that we adopt to protect us from the possibility of being injured, although when this type of attitude becomes something caracterologico or structured personality thus constituting one wound major that creates a larger lesion that that one may suffer. Alexander Lowen not must travel on this planet Earth without arousing, without knowing of the why are, why they out towards where we want to go, the comply fully with our mission, not align ourselves, nor to keep us prisoners of dogma promulgated, established, nor be imitators, neglecting our own authenticity. The opposite must fully live the here and the now, not allowing it mocks us false selves, rules that undermine our FREEWILL. Our transit is so short and uncertain, that we can not give us the luxury of remains inatentos to the effects that originate external stimuli, giving birth to artificial needs, product of a consumerist, materialistic, asleep, society wants to remains in that stadium, that does not interest you wake up for momentous growth. Paul Lowen bequeathed us his experience to awaken in the here and the now, that can help us to break this dependency, conditioning, that prevented us to grow, to discover us inatentos and tells us, it is possible to live without prosecuting; and when the trials are going; It is there, when it emanates happiness, joy, gratitude, life. When I came to discover this indicates Lowen, I discovered that it is possible for anyone if you are ready to start living differently. My suffering, reminds it us Lowen came from that I was against mine, that there was a division within me and I said that certain parts of myself were well and certain parties not that had this division.

Ho Hoan Kiem

However, the most favorable weather in Hanoi says the fall in September and October. In this short period, almost every day the sun shines, and the breeze brings a pleasant coolness. Attractions Hanoi Tours to Hanoi – a great opportunity to enjoy nature and architectural landmarks of the city, surrounded by a river. Numerous temples and pagodas were harmonious decoration of local landscapes, characterized by an abundance of greenery and exotic flowers. Sword Lake famous Sword Lake (Ho Hoan Kiem Lake) – the legendary place where the sacred turtle has helped the Vietnamese national hero Le Loyu to stop and fled the Chinese occupation. In connection with this event on the island in the middle of the lake was built pagoda turtles – Thapa zua. It was her image became an emblem of Hanoi. There is also, and Ngoc Son Temple, dedicated to the spirit of literary creativity.

The capital of Vietnam – the city taking off evening at Ho Hoan Kiem held puppet shows, and eleven puppeteers stand upright in the water, hidden from multiple viewers a bamboo curtain. Voices performances special group of musicians playing on the national musical instruments. Lake Ho Tay and Tank Truck, the largest lake in Hanoi Ho Tay (West Lake) located in the heart of the city. When something is a picturesque place with many buildings were kind of resort for the rest of mandarins and kings. Nearby, across the street Nien Tran, is the second lake – Truck Buck. Guided by neighborhoods will enjoy the beauty of ancient palaces and pahod, extant.

Emergency Anticrisis

Up last Monday an emergency eu summit. Under the name of the summit can be understood that the eu countries together to solve economic problems, how to stabilize the economy and take the necessary measures to resolve the crisis, as the name implies – emergency measures. But here's the problem, the countries of Eastern Europe just for the crisis have asked for money, not much is not enough, 190 billion euros. Yes this is the Marxist to overcome the crisis must ask for money. Look at what the countries of Eastern Europe – it's Bulgaria, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, etc. ie all those countries that have been adopted in the eu to have at least some pressure on Russia.

But to give money when everything in the economy is good – it one thing, but when they themselves are drowning, it's not up to it. That seemed to help and not denied, but money is not given. Good word – also help. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the Baltic countries were factories, which employed mostly Russian-speaking population. After the pro-Western policies of these plants mainly pozakryvalis and left this country with nothing, with only one datatsiyami from the eu.

Here comes the global crisis. France, Britain and Germany support of his producer, and that – the election is around the corner, and the electorate should not get him angry. And Eastern European countries think that they are in the same boat sailing, and the lessons of history to remember did not want. Although distort history beyond recognition they have already. Old Europe does not give money, that Russia may have to ask? If Eastern Europe collapsed, defaulted, then – this is not the worst thing that Europe faces global crisis. Responsible for the country which first invited to European Union, and now refuse to help, well, that Russia has in this not have to blame. By the way, Austria has offered to help with money, but nobody supported and it was quiet. We are witnessing a split in Europe, the middle spring we will probably see how deep the crisis. Bottom of the crisis no one has yet reached, and the exit is not visible. Throwing money in the next few years, nobody in Europe will not, Russia will stand up and drop our neighbors who were left without support, we'll see. Here we observe democratic eu policy. And and South Ossetia do not want to take. The conclusion from all these statements, that is really serious crisis, or as it is in the west called the 'epidemic of the economic crisis', Europe is going to such extreme measures, so we still have to wait and nothing good is worth.

The Meaning of Work

They suck and absorb all the bright and happy. Weekdays are much alike, the weekend also strongly differ happy here and never looks But if you decide to break this vicious circle? For example, instead of going to sleep on Tuesday at 22:30 (as usual), go outside and walk a bit before bedtime. And the next day You must be a wonderful mood. And you can at the weekend to get up early to wear sports clothes and run around a little, or like to go fishing. You can do a lot of different things. You just need to clarify for themselves what everyday life – the worst of evils and the greatest obstacle to happiness. 3.

Insist on your own if you're right. How often do we give to others the right to vote, decision or exercise of choice! We give in to his boss, because we are afraid fall into disfavor. Inferior to their parents, because we love them and do not want to disappoint them. What a joy! But by taking some important decision and defend it, you can feel happy. Why you ask? It's simple: when you insist on (especially if you're right about this), people see that you have an opinion. And that means you're in their eyes, and in their too, become a person.

4. Allow yourself to luxury. Nothing makes us so happy as a luxury that we ourselves suddenly able to afford. The easiest way – to buy a fancy expensive thing necessary for you. And you can just sleep in the output until one o'clock, and then all day watching tv or reading a book and do absolutely nothing. Sometimes not doing anything just to be engaged, to own the same pleasure. 5. Must do good deeds. Generally, the concept of "good cause" in this case – is very wide. And the meaning of it I'm so I understand that to do something good and pleasant for someone else. For example, give a close, loved one flowers or a toy just like that, without provocation. Such gifts – the best, because they can always give with love. 6. Need to encroach on the inaccessibility. Do not be afraid to set himself goals which at first glance, may seem out of reach. Nevertheless, experience shows: most of the planned can become a reality. And it can bring incomparable happiness. If something very much and want to make this a maximum effort, the unattainable dream can materialize. It is only necessary to overcome the fear of the upcoming challenges, and then themselves difficulties seem just steps to the dream, not a stumbling block. A happy person can be easily, if not currently aware of fictitious problem. We build our own destiny and choose to be or not be Fortunately in our lives. Believe in happiness – and they will come to you!


It's hard to believe but true: e-Bay has more than 200 million (! Two hundred million!) Users. And you now have a real opportunity to become 200.000.001-th user of eBay, to merge into the general stream of sellers, buyers, intermediaries and just loafing and crowding on this global online flea market. Web-master with the most imaginative and can not imagine what it means for a site 10 million visitors a day – and that is how much e-Bay Dependent daily users look loginyatsya at auction, to see how the night they became richer by hundreds of dollars. buy on the cheap all heart desires … Yes, yes – even the most fastidious and capricious soul can find online auction site e-Bay almost every product known to mankind. Starting with the most venerable brands – Sony, IBM, Samsung, Olympus acquired second home – and ending with supply-side ginseng shenem Chinese fakes.

Auction e-Bay – is universal: any category of buyers will find here a good taste – you need a plasma panel XGA 50''with the AR-filter?, .. Sony Vaio Centrino laptop with DVD-RW?, .. Madonna CD autographed? maybe you need an ancient Japanese vase of Li-hsi-ching or annual license to hunt Bill Gates …? (Hmm, went through a bit:) Believe me: all that you can find it and buy without much effort. Mobile phones, cameras, camcorders, laptops, Palm, mp3 players, voice recorders, printers, DVD-players, accessories for computers – and all this is 2-3 times cheaper than at home! Yes, exactly! Here smells MONEY! All right, e-Bay auction not only meets the needs of individual customers, but is fairly new, the tried and monetary opportunity for a serious business! But let's be clear: I do not mean only big campaign, where there are thousands, and you personally, because "that your home internet business that can totally change your life can and should be called serious.

The Advantages

The advantages of this approach are obvious, but no description of them is the purpose of this article. Here we will highlight the answer to the question posed at the beginning. So all – again, for whatever reason, many managers, realizing that this is necessary, do not move to a new system of work and thereby inhibit the development of the organization, thereby reducing the efficiency of work? Lion's share of the most 80%, did not embody their intentions interfere mainly two reasons: One of the most common causes is the inability person receiving solutions for a company to formulate a query about their needs and expectations. "What I'm really looking forward to work attracted the company?" Clearly answer to this question may be not many. Fear of being at a disadvantage situations, recognizing themselves and (the worst), others that he does not know how you like processes in the company after the reorganization, cuts off the largest number of initiatives that are at its core the desire to improve rabotyNeuverennost in an adequate response to the ongoing changes in personnel. Any change in an organization can cause opposition from the already existing staff and similar reaction they could jeopardize not only the implementation of changes, but the existing system in an organization. Implementation of activities developed by external experts, always making adjustments in approach and style interaction within the organization Fear of losing first-person control over the situation and respect among subordinates prevented a very large number of managers to implement its decision. These are the main reasons on which the leaders of the organization, people, the main functionality of which is to create conditions for effective work of the company, resisted the introduction of these same decisions. They continue to delay the time of referral to attracted from outside professionals, and is often overlooked when the situation in the organization could still improve quite little effort, and as a result of this indecision suffer losses and loss are often irrecoverable.

The Consultant

In the "zone" punk is a nonentity, the lowest being. He did not shake hands, do not sit next to him not to touch it – untouchable, in a word. But at the active, which intercourse with a "sunken", no social problems. Between us – not so much they differ from each other. For me, this is analogous to the situation with the bribes. Forgive me, bribe-takers for the comparison with "cocks." Well, I do not like, when his company steal. So, back to the consultant, who gives a rollback.

He is, first, break the law, and secondly, facilitates the thief stuck to the company coffers. Or to the state treasury, not better. That happens to him next? He must somehow justify to himself his act, which went for the money. So he finds an excuse. It is for each individual, but any excuse there is one thing in common – criticism of those people which had been stolen the money.

The worse a person you are robbing the less burden of guilt, is not it? If this state, there arises the idea that "all so the thieves." If a corporation, the owners as soon as there are many negative traits, which did not exist, but which justify the crime committed by a consultant. The most cursory examination of this criticism and excuses will show that they are far-fetched and exaggerated. However, the offender must believe these generalizations and conjectures – they cure internal discomfort. Thus was born the cynicism.


Tariff reduction of insurance payments for companies that operate in the field of information technology. Organizations working in the field of information technology will have the opportunity enjoy the benefits until 2019. From 2010 to 2017, they may pay contributions on the general rate 14 per cent in 2018 – 21 per cent and in 2019 – 28 percent. Please note that rates for local organizations that work in the field of information technologies and meet the following conditions are already in the current year, ie, firms in this area are entitled to a recount paid for the current year contributions.

for this benefit the company, which operates in it sector must meet certain conditions: the organization has a document on the state. accreditation, the number of employees in this period is more than 50 people, income from the sale, installation, modification, maintenance, development copies of software and databases for the pc in the first nine months of the previous year (but only for established companies – on the basis of accounting or accounting period) is more than 90 percent of the amount general revenues of the firm. 4. Amendment to Art. 58 of the Law 212-FZ. Tariff reduction of insurance payments for businesses that created the public institutions and universities, as well as for residents of technology-innovative special economic zones. On 01.01.2011 the year, these category of insurers will be able to pay insurance premiums for the same rates as the firms operating in the field of information technology.

To enjoy this privilege, a business entity that created the budget agency or institution must observe the following conditions: the organization should carry out research and development activities, and to implement their results in the production, the organization must use sst. Residents of technology-innovative zones are also entitled to enjoy such privilege, but they are required to comply with the following criteria: the firms and the state of emergency must be a resident status in this zone, residents have to pay interest to people working in its territory. Special economic zone of technology-innovative type created in St. Petersburg, Dubna and Tomsk and Zelenograd.

The Property

Consider the possibility of determining the type of market value in order to assess different: Table 2: Type of value and purpose of the evaluation of movable property The purpose of the valuation at current use value “in exchange” Valuation for bankruptcy in the equipment of the property complex was first put up for auction in the case is impossible joint selling of real estate and equipment. In the event of bankruptcy, the equipment is exposed separately (but only after 1.5 years after the beginning of bankruptcy proceedings) Determining the value for the transfer of property In the mortgage collateral is transferred equipment within the property complex in the mortgage transferred some of the individual units of the property complex, whose movement is possible. If the movement is impossible, realizable value is equal to the cost of sale as scrap or on individual nodes to a value on managerial decision-making if the liquidation value is determined for the reorganization of the property (Real estate and equipment) of the branch, property located in a separate building. If resale value is defined for purposes of liquidation or quick sale of certain selected assets in cost of use – the estimated value of the subject being evaluated, determined under the assumption that it will not be sold in the open, free and competitive market, and will be used for the same purpose, in the same manner and with the same efficiency, as it happened on the valuation date. Large amounts of assets, usually illiquid in their implementation “loose.” In addition, such items as buildings, transmission devices, specialized facilities can not be implemented in isolation from other assets. The cost of “in use” is more preferable for the company being evaluated, since by taking into account the cost of installation, commissioning of the equipment, excluding the effect sinnergii received the total amount of equipment is somewhat higher than the amount in determining the value of individual units.

Enterprises Joint Stock Companies

Different industries have their own specific features arising from the nature of production, applied engineering and technology skills. At the same time, they all have some common signs that allow to classify them in several areas: ownership, organizational forms, industry sector, size, degree of specialization, type of production, level of mechanization and automation. Depending on the ownership of the enterprise are private, community and government. Varieties of state ownership may be federal (in federal states) Republican and municipal. On the organizational forms of enterprises are divided into economic partnerships (full or limited), society (corporations, limited liability company, with additional Liability), producer cooperatives, the unitary enterprise. Participants of partnerships (both full and limited) are engaged in productive activity on behalf of the partnership and are liable for the obligations of their property. In addition, limited partnerships have uchastnikovvkladchikov (limited partners), which bear the risk of losses within the amounts of their contributions and not participate in business associations. In joint-stock company's charter capital, formed entirely by contributions from members (shareholders) is divided into a certain number of shares.

Participants in the joint stock company is not liable for its obligations and bear the losses to the value of their shares. Joint Stock Company is one and only owner of all property owned. Stock ownership is a form of collective (or joint) property. Shareholders have the right to demand payment of mandatory dividends. Joint Stock Company is open, when its members can sell their shares without the consent of other shareholders, and closed when its members have a preferential right to purchase the shares sold by other participants in this society.